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Step 2 - Nine Star Ki Feng Shui Astrology Intermediate Distance Learning Course (PDF)

Often referred to as Feng Shui astrology, Nine Star Ki is one of the oldest known forms of astrology, and is used alongside Feng Shui to bring personal harmony and balance to the people living in a home or working within a business.

Since man first walked on the earth, he held a fascination for the stars. Early civilisations based their lives around natural cycles and the sun. This gave rise to perhaps our oldest science; Astronomy, which in turn led to the realisation that stars create energy, and affect all life on Earth. In essence, we are made of the stuff of stars!

At birth, our energy is greatly influenced by astrology; the position of the stars and planets. A Nine Star Ki astrology chart provides an energy blueprint or profile, revealing our personality, as well as our strengths, weaknesses, and natural skills. It shows our compatibility with others, and why we are more likely to have successful relationships with certain people. It also provides insight into why some things come easy to us, which career will bring the most satisfaction, and how we can further develop our talents.

Nine Star Ki can also help to understand your health, your response to change and stress, and what to do if it's out of balance.

Using Nine Star Ki time cycles, you can determine the most auspicious times to start a new venture, such as opening a new business, getting engaged or married, or moving home. Through Nine Star Ki directionology, you can determine the most favourable direction in which to travel, move home, or relocate to a new office.

Professional Feng Shui consultants using Nine Star Ki can recommend simple, subtle cures that support your client and greatly improve their quality of life, even through so-called “bad luck” periods, - an aspect not possible with Western astrology. As well as helping to understand personal relationships, Nine Star Ki is also very useful in determining team dynamics within a business.

The Accredited Nine Star Ki Astrology Interactive PDF course contains over 24,000 words, is full-colour illustrated, and contains video tutorials to help you understand even the deepest levels of this subject. Each chapter also contains self-assessment questions to make sure you're on the right track before learning more.

No time limits
Unlike some online courses, we impose no time limits or pressures on you to complete your course, and it won’t expire or become invalid. Start learning whenever you’re ready and study in your own time, at your own pace.

The Seven Steps to Feng Shui Mastery
The Nine Star Ki Astrology course is Step 2 of the Seven Steps to Feng Shui Mastery. As an Intermediate course, prior knowledge and understanding of essential Feng Shui principles are necessary in order to completely understand and correctly implement Nine Star Ki astrology, which is taught in Step 1 - The Feng Shui Key Concept Course. This course is a required stage of the Professional Feng Shui Consultant Training programme.

The Nine Star Ki Astrology course may be purchased at full price without first taking Step 1. Alternatively, enroll with Step 1, and receive almost 30% off the total cost of the Steps 2 to 7 package, compared to purchasing each course individually.


Once enrolled with Step 1, you are also able to receive free student support from our Feng Shui experts and access to our regular free Feng Shui Webinars. See our Frequently Asked Questions - Student Support.


Nine Star Ki Astrology Course Contents:

About this course
Your studies
Ways to help you study

The Stuff of Stars
The importance of astrology
Astrology today
The Great Bear
Personal chemistry

Calculating 9 Star Ki numbers
The Chinese calendar
Your Natal number
Emotional or Childhood number
Tendency numbers
Understanding your Ki numbers

Personal Profiles
Celebrity profiles
Basic characters
Basic emotions
Intellectual qualities
Interpersonal qualities
Emotional profiles
Personal Effectiveness

The Importance of Timeliness
The Seasons
9 Star Ki shadows

Time Dimensions
Personal cycles
Palace tendencies
The palace trends
Month cycles
Annual cycles
The Ba Gua
Soul evolution

Work and Career
Your natural talents
Best suited career for each profile

Compatibility and Relationships
Love, sex, and partner-relations
3 Types of relationship
Ki number interactions
Inner conflicts
Childhood and natal numbers
Child and adult influences
Gender & Adult/Child
Compatibility profiles
Relationship cures
Finding your soul mate
Case studies

Health and Nine Star Ki
Organs produce emotions
Five Element tastes
Ideal diet

Nine Star Ki Directionology
Using Directionology
The Annual chart
Auspicious and Inauspicious directions
Overcoming inauspicious directions
The Rule of Five

Palace Compatibility
The Attribute Cycle
Assigning attributes
The Self Element
The House of Mother
The House of Father
Case studies

Test Questions & Assignment

Time to assess how well you know Nine Star Ki Astrology.