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Step 5 - Advanced I Ching Divination with Wen Wang Gua Distance Learning Course (PDF)

Hailed for millennia as a mystical oracle that unlocks the secrets of nature, the I Ching provides insight and guidance to the changes that affect us, helping us to make the right choices and feel confident about the future.

Whereas the text in I Ching books is general and applies to all, Wen Wang Gua is highly specific to the enquirer and extremely accurate. Wen Wang Gua uses Chinese astrology to make the I Ching much more precise and clearer to understand. In simple terms, as the source of traditional I Ching texts, this method will not only tell you what will happen in the future but when!


There are very few practicing Feng Shui consultants who have the knowledge contained in this course. We take time to clarify the mysteries of the I Ching text, then major on the original Wen Wang Gua system practiced by King Wen and subsequent masters.

Being an extremely complex system to master, the Advanced I Ching and Wen Wang Gua Divination course contains over 26,000 words, animated presentations, case studies, complete step-by-step instructions, and full in-depth analysis.


As an advanced course, I Ching Divination and Wen Wang Gua is Step 5 in the Seven Steps to Feng Shui Mastery Professional Consultant Distance Learning training programme.

I Ching Divination helps you and your clients make the correct decisions in life, serving as a roadmap to future events and challenges. Used by business owners and individuals from all walks of life, the world over, it is considered the cornerstone of Chinese philosophy.

Guiding you from the basic principles, through to the most complex techniques in simple, easy-to-understand steps, learn the advanced I Ching methods used by the very best professional Feng Shui consultants.


Advanced I Ching and Wen Wang Gua Course Contents:



Ancient Symbols
I Ching - The Book of Changes
Mankind’s Legacy
I Ching History
How to Cast a Hexagram
Hexagram Construction
Changing Lines
The Great Treatise
Good Fortune Judgements
Misfortune Judgements
Hexagram ID Table
Hexagram Dynamics

The Shi Ying System
Subject and Object Lines
Hexagram Palaces
Locating Subject and Object lines
Wandering and Returning Spirits
Gua Shen
Body Line and Gua Palaces
How to find the Body Line
Missing Body Line
Palace Hexagrams with Subject, Object and Body Lines


Assigning Earthly Branches
Earthly Branch Table
Na Zhi
Hexagram Sequencing
Pure Hexagram Table of Earthly Branches
Start Points of Hexagrams

Assigning Attributes
Liu Qin
Easy Reference Attribute Sequence
Attribute Cycles
Choosing an Enquiry Line
The Parents Line
The Officer Ghost Line
Brothers Line
Wealth Wife Line
Children Line
Pure Hexagram Attributes

The Effects of Time
Case Study

Branch Dynamics
Shi and Ying Revisited
No Enquiry Line
Hiding Line and Flying Line
Source, Annoying and Hostile Lines
Advancing and Retreating

Further Branch Dynamics
Two Enquiry Lines
Tomb Raider
Vanishing Point
Meeting Sheng at Vanishing
Enquiry and Annoying Lines
Hostile Line
Body Line Revisited

The Six Animals
Gou Chen
Positioning the Six Animals
Trick Songs

Advanced Branch Dynamics
Gua Lines and Advanced Branch Dynamics
Month Branch
Month Break
Day Branch
Year Branch
Earthly Branch Combinations
Six Harms
Triple Combinations
Earthly Branch Penalties

Hexagram Dynamics
Fan Yin
Fan Yin of Hexagram Lines
Fu Yin
Ancient Example

Earthly Branch Health
Earthly Branch Body Parts

Case Studies